Recently I felt overworked on my daily job and on top of that, my mom was just sent to the ER and it has been an overwhelmed and stressful experience for me. I decided to do a little bit of self-love and take care of myself so I can keep helping others around me.
These are some of the things that I did to make myself feel a little bit better and happier.
If you guys happen to feel stressed, or if you feel anxious because of this pandemic – here are some of the ideas you can try.
Take a walk in the park/hiking
Walking can boost your mood and shift your brain into a calmer state. Spending time in nature has been linked to stress reduction as well. There are also other benefits such as improving memory and attention and lowering blood pressure. I personally try to do this either in the morning or after work, roughly 30 minutes – 60 minutes, and it does change my mood significantly.
It is also a good idea to walk with a friend/family because social support also helps with reducing the stress level. If I was by myself, I also try to be a little bit aware of my steps and breath. As I walk, I try to focus my attention on one or more sensations such as my breath coming in and out of my body or the movement of my feet and my legs.
Make breakfast, and eat breakfast mindfully
One of my favorite things to do in the morning is making breakfast – a simple breakfast I usually make is this simple scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I also love cutting the tomatoes and zucchinis, stirring the eggs, and just watch the process.
When eating, sometimes I also try to pay attention to the texture of the eggs and the taste of it. It is such a simple activity that brings me joy.
Soak yourself in a warm water
There are many ways you can benefit from soaking in hot water, for instance, it increases blood circulation, helps cells regenerate and speed the healing process, and reduces anxiety.
I love to do this, especially at night. I love it when it is just plain warm water, if you’d like to add some bubble you can as well. Just play calm music, and notice how the warmth slowly improves your mood.
If I am in the mood, I’d like to turn off the lights and use a laser projector to create a more relaxing environment.
Make yourself your favorite tea
Tea offers a variety of health benefits because it contains antioxidants and compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body.
I personally love chrysanthemum, green tea, and peppermint tea. This chrysanthemum tea is my favorite, because of the taste. There are other great alternatives such as chamomile tea and spearmint tea. A cup of peppermint tea is good for digestion while chamomile tea could help you relax before sleeping.
I first start with boiling water in the morning and just watching the water bubble is rapidly breaking the surface (I don’t have a kettle, so I only use a pot 😊). Then I pour the water into my tea and leave it for a few minutes.
I especially love inhaling the scent of a warm mug of peppermint tea. It seems it cures my worries and anxiety for a little while.
Take an online class and learn something new
When you feel stressed out, you probably just want to do something with minimum action (at least I do), but if you feel like pushing yourself a little bit, taking an online class can be a self-rewarding experience. It’s probably a good idea to learn something a little bit different than what your normal day job would do, something fun – for instance learning how to sketch, paint or sing.
I recommend Skillshare and Udemy as it is very affordable to learn something new – from how to code, make music, record a video to pain for $15 a month.
Currently, I am taking beat making and piano class – and it is a lot of fun. I wish I could do this all day! 😊
Clean up and organize
Cleaning provides us with a sense of control over our environment. Since we are familiar with cleaning and organization tasks, it is such a comforting idea. We know the end results and how to get there.
Cleaning can also act as a mini workout and it reduces stress hormones and stimulates the production of natural mood-booster a.k.a endorphins.
I try to set aside distinct time to clean such as cleaning my desk or wash dishes before start working. I make sure that I limit the amount of time I dedicate to cleaning (for instance – 30 minutes), and once I have used up the time – I go on with my day.
There are times when I clean because I am using this as a means of avoiding what really needs to be done. I noticed the anxiety level has been increasing instead, and this is a sign that I need to limit my cleaning time and commit myself to more important work.
If you get uncomfortable feelings when starting to clean, notice the feelings, and do this for just 5 minutes. You may find the feeling has passed and you feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing the task.
Listen to music
Music can enlighten your mood quickly and there are psychological benefits of listening to music such as it can relax your mind, energize your body, and help us cope with stress.
Tracks with a slow tempo and gradual chord progression without lyrics tend to be calming, while up-beat music tends to have the opposite effects. I usually pick a slow tempo playlist and listen to it while walking to a park nearby.
I’d like to listen to the melody, the harmonies, and how I feel, but sometimes, I also let myself just my mind to wander around.
My favorite app is Calm, and I love listening to firewood and Disney piano before falling asleep.

Vi, a software engineer with a keen interest in personal finance, had planned to retire once she reached her lean FI/RE (Financial Independence/Retire Early) goal. However, after achieving the goal, she took few months of a mini-retirement filled with travel and adventure and decided to continue her career.
For the past five years, Vi has been using Personal Capital (Empower), a free financial tool. Her favorite features include the dashboard for net worth, allocation, and planning, which help track her FI/RE goal and keep those investment fees in check.